Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Beginning of a Long-Pondered Work

One of the benefits of this blog is that it should help facilitate, if all goes well, the initial publication, in serialized form, of a book we have long intended to write, but never quite managed to start. In accordance with the protocols laid out in the introductory post, we recognize that there is no way to begin other than simply to begin. Therefore we style this post, "Traffic and Weather Together Next" Part Zero. An explanation of the enigmatic title will be forthcoming in a later post. That essay will be coupled with another one entitled, "Reflections Inspired by Malthus and the Grocery." Much more will follow.


  1. I enjoy your comments at, hope to see some articles here.

  2. I enjoy your comments at, hope to see some articles here.

  3. Appreciated your comment at about the wrong sides/people winning the war. I'm clear on WW2 and Hitler, but will have to look into the others you mentioned.
